About Us

Customer satisfaction is what drives us to be the best custom tile and decorating accessories in the world

On every level, DECORNALITY aspires to be the place where you feel most comfortable with beautiful Custom made ceramic tiles and coordinating accessories. Our vision is very simple: To bring you, a world of unsurpassed artistry, craftsmanship and quality in our choice of designers, materials and styles. Because no two rooms—or dreams—are alike, DECORNALITY always leaves the door open to fresh ideas, collaboration, creative suggestions, and custom solutions. It’s the hallmark of our work. 

Our services

  • Movie Decor
  • Tile murals for kitchen and backsplash
  • Have your own design in your pool – SPA
  • Bathroom tile murals
  • Logo branding
  • Exclusive ceramic colors gamut range
  • Coordinating accessories to accommodate custom tiles
  • Simply unscratchable and good for outdoor – indoor use
  • True ceramic pigments; no UV or light reaction
  • Lifetime Warranty (except breakage)

we are a company located in beautiful Miami Florida Dade county. Our primary specialty is custom design ceramic tiles and porcelain, sale and installation for interior and exterior. Tiles can be use for kitchen backsplash, murals, countertop, floors, walls, showers, fountains, garden, ceiling, medallion, and furniture. Art define who we are. We love to use art to decorate, coordinate, to express your style, personality, creativity, love, hobby, and passions. 

This is where we come from, everything we do is rooted in art decor . And art decor plays an increasingly important role in more and more people’s lives, in and out of the home. Art decor is central to every culture and society and is core to an individual’s health and happiness. Therefore, we believe that, through art, we have the power to change lives. This core belief guides the way we run our company, how we work with our partners, how we create our products, and how we engage with our consumers.

Our Team

A dedicated Team at your disposal

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